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The best websites and tools that I use for my projects
Today I will tell the best useful websites and tools that I use on develop my projects.
Recently I start a new huge project (more about that soon :) ) to try to make some extra money and also increase my tech skills. Soon I will make a series of articles about all that.
So… at the moment I am developing a new mobile app and now I will share with you guys the best websites that I found and helped me a lot. Let’s go.
1. Muzli Colors — Color Palette Generator
If you are like me, it´s hard to choose and even visualize the best combinations of colors for your project. Muzli Colors by InVision helps in that task. You can choose from some suggested initial color or search for color (name or HEX) and the website suggests to you the Color Palette.
You can even see an example of the colors in practice.

2. Canva
Canva is one of the best websites to design anything you want for your projects. It has several examples of templates for basically everything that you need and you can…